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Idris Elba joins the CATS movie!

 Idris Elba joins the CATS cast as Macavity the Mystery Cat

Hey folks! Here's another bit of news from that adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber's CATS that stars Jennifer Hudson, Taylor Swift, James Corden, and Sir Ian McKellan... after adding Laurie Davidson and Mette Towley last week, it appears that Idris Elba has joined the cast as Macavity the Mystery Cat. 


As the above YouTube video displays, Macavity is a Kaiser Soze-level criminal cat who the lady-cats love. He's also a complete dick who takes Ian McKellan's Old Deuteronomy prisoner and impersonates him later in the second act.

Again... I so hope this is CGI cats instead of Corden and Swift in cat make-up... surely it must be. I can't see Elba wearing a leotard with a tail and whiskers... 

-- Precious Roy


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