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PBS Trailer for Documentary "Sammy Davis Jr. I've Got To Be Me"


Hola Dannie aqui, 

Sharing with you all a look at PBS's documentary "Sammy Davis Jr: I've Got To Be Me." A film about the amazing life and times of vaudevillian, singer, musician, dancer, actor, and comedian Samuel George Davis Jr. The American Masters documentary is set to premiere February 19th at 8 pm (Central Time) on PBS.

PBS describes the film as-

"The first major film documentary to examine Sammy Davis, Jr.'s vast talent and his journey for identity through the shifting tides of civil rights and racial progress during 20th century America."


Here is the highly entertaining gander at the film.

How many of you out there in cyberspace are fans of Sammy Davis Jr? The obstacles Davis overcame to reach not only stardom but to break down bearers socially and globally is something we all should thank him for. The blood, sweat, and tears of his epic talent paved the way for positive change and the mental evolution of our nation. Thank you Sammy, and damn you were amazing. 


 "My talent was the weapon, the power, the way for me to fight. It was the one way I might hope to affect a man's thinking" - Sammy Davis Jr. December 8, 1925 – May 16, 1990 


Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!

Dannie Knowles aka Pekosa Peligrosa

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