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Movie News

SPOILERS! Look who has suited up for AVENGERS 4!

Potential spoilers ahead! 
There has been a lot of speculation about the next Avengers film. Who lives? Who dies? What plot device will they use to undo the damage of the last film? 
...And who will be joining the remaining Avengers in taking on the task of saving the universe? Well, we seem to have one answer today. A photo has popped on twitter of Gwyneth Paltrow who appears to have taken a selfie of herself in front of a green screen, wearing Iron Man-like armor. Check it out:
Now, our more comic savvy readers will know that Paltrow's character in the MCU films, Pepper Potts does don a suit of Tony Stark-created tech and become a hero named 'Rescue'. She used the armor to aide and defend but never agressively. In the source material the suit has no real offensive capabilities. The concept of Rescue was created in 2009 by writer Matt Fraction and artist Salvador Larroca.
I can't confirm that the photo is real but it does match up with toy images that have been floating around the 'net that claim to be for the upcoming film. It also makes sense that Pepper would suit up in the aftermath of INFINITY WAR in an effort to try to help deal with the fallout.
What do you guys think? Real? Fake? Let us know!

- Matthew Essary

(aka "Wheels")


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