Hey guys. The new trailer for THE PREDATOR dropped last night and it certainly gives us a better idea of what's in store for us later in the summer. Let's check it out!
Okay! Let's talk about this thing. It gives us a better sense of what the plot is going to be with a busload of military veterans squaring off against our favorite intergalactic trophy hunter.
That group of actors in that mix is certainly interesting. Boyd Holbrook (Netflix's NARCOS) looks like he will be convincing and his compelling work in last year's LOGAN has me curious to see how he'll do as the heroic lead. Thomas Jane (STANDOFF) is in there as well, barely glimpsed in the footage but I have always been firmly in the "pro-Tom Jane" and, to me, it's always a treat to see him pop up in films. The one member of that group I am beyond excited about is Keegan-Michael Key (DON'T THINK TWICE). I sincerely hope His part in the film is substantial and that we get to see him cracking jokes while blasting away at the Predator. His manic energy seems like a good fit for the mayhem of a film like this.
So, let's get into what concerns me here in this footage: the new "Evolved" Predator. I'm not sure if the effects around are just unfinished or what ... but he looks pretty bland and uninteresting, visually at least. It's only one moment in the footage here so it may play better in the completed film but right now, I'm just not feeling it. It also gives me flashbacks to the worst part of Robert Rodriguez's PREDATORS, the larger "Super Predators". I sincerely hope this works out better but it gives me pause and is the one aspect of this that keeps me from being fully on board the hype train for this movie.

I trust Shane Black (THE NICE GUYS) though. His action film credentials are unquestionable. He also worked on the original film as a script doctor and played one of the more memorable side characters in Hawkins. He has roots in this franchise and is a gifted filmmaker. So, my optimism definitely outweighs my nervousness when it comes to the quality of this project.
Let us know what you guys think though. Worried? Excited? A little bit of both?
...or if you want you can just post your favorite Shane Black-isms in the comments. Here's one of mine from THE LAST BOY SCOUT:
"Milo: Can we do a formal introduction here?
Joe Hallenbeck: Who gives a fuck? You're the bad guy, right?
Milo: I am the bad guy.
Joe Hallenbeck: And I'm supposed to be trembling with fear, something like that?
Milo: Something like that.
Joe Hallenbeck: Fine. I'll start trembling in a minute."
THE PREDATOR arrives in theaters on September 14