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FOOLS! Did You Not Know That DOOM Was Political?!

Afternoon, geeks!

Looks like someone (Noah Hawley) finally figured out that the FANTASTIC 4 just wasn't worth rebooting for a second time to get more of Doctor Doom in the big screen, because Doom's getting his own movie!

Hawley, who is known for his work in FARGO and LEGION, will be writing the script for the new DOCTOR DOOM flick. He may also be announced as director later.

Refreshing your geek minds: Dr. Victor Von Doom, the son of a Romani witch, is a king of an imaginary Eastern European country called Latveria. Pay no attention to those FANTASTIC 4 movies, just this new DOCTOR DOOM movie!

The new movie will be all about Doom’s origin. Hawley told Observer that he’s looking to make somewhat of a political thriller out of the film. Will they have any Marvel Universe tie ins? I suppose that depends entirely on this Disney/Fox merger, but I’m super hoping to see something!

~Big Eyes


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