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Ana Lily Amirpour's BLOOD MOON is set up and ready to rise!

Hey Everyone Freddy Beans here,

With some great news from DEADLINE regarding Ana Lily Amirpour’s next movie BLOOD MOON.

The synopsis for BLOOD MOON, finds a young woman with dangerous abilities, who escapes a mental asylum only to end up in the mind bending hedonistic realities of the French Quarter.  She is forced to bond with unexpected allies as she makes her way through the swamp-filled New Orleans streets.

What a perfect film for this woman’s talents!  I’ll follow Ana Lily Amirpour wherever she takes my unsuspecting pupils. 

For those that don’t know her work I absolutely recommend you check out A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT.  I’m pretty sure it’s still on Netflix where I first caught sight of it.  

There were two artistic horror movies I caught last year that really left me wanting more from the makers.  

THE EYES OF MY MOTHER was easily one of the most disturbing things I viewed last year.  Meaning i can't wait to see what this guy does next.  The director Nicolas Pesce just finished PIERCING which I can’t wait to review.  His talents have me extremely hopeful that we finally get an American THE GRUDGE worth watching.  Sorry, not even a sort of fan of Sarah Michelle Gellar’s version of the same.  JU-ON deserved better!

A GIRL WALKS HOME ALONE AT NIGHT is almost indescribable.  At its heart it’s a story of belonging under unforeseen circumstance. And man does Ana Lily Amirpour splash the circumstances violently into your eyes.  She’s a singular talent who had me wrapped around her bitten little finger as she told her vampire interloping with a broken family tale.  It’s a heart wrenching, dark, loving, and mostly just brutally honest story.  Ana has a way of making fairy tales out of ordinary life.  Just throwing in enough sprinkles of ridiculousness you end up gobbling up the entire sugary doughnut, licking your lips and looking for more.

I’m an absolute fan of adult fairy tales in my cinema.  I love kiddie movies  like THE WIZARD OF OZ they just don't stick to my insides and make me think the way a PAN'S LABYRINTH can.   PAN’S LABYRINTH is a movie I can watch on constant repeat.  There’s missed leads every time I watch it.  It’s frustrating and amazing all at once.  I still say Ofelia died and it was all a dream, but I think Guillermo did such a masterful job you can take that dream wherever you want to.  All options are on the table.

Maybe I’m just susceptible to this type of film.  That could be the case I suppose. Either way I already can’t wait to review BLOOD MOON!
Til next time Kids

Freddy Beans

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