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DAPHNE AND VELMA - The Scooby-Doo Prequel Nobody Asked For

Afternoon, geeks

Is it just me, or are these Scooby-Doo reboots (or in this case pre-quels) started to feel like those extremely forced Looney Tunes reboots? I was just reminded this morning that WB tried to do a gritty edgelord version of Looney Tunes called the LOONATICS a few years back. Cringeworthy.  However, this new girly prequel for Scooby Doo, without Scooby, actually looks  like fun. Starring Sarah Jeffery and Sarah Gilman. Check this new trailer for it!


So we clearly have some very classic Scooby-Doo-esque shenanigans with the goofy/mysterious occurrences happening around Daphne and Velma’s school, and of course, they take on their first case together as a duo! DAPHNE AND VELMA looks alright so far. If I end up being handed a screener for it, I will view it. I don't expect it to be anything prolific, but only enjoyable.

DAPHNE AND VELMA tells the origin story of how two met and formed Mystery Inc. The two are best friends who have only met online (I don’t think this was a story they were dying to tell anyone for very long), then Daphne transfers to Velma’s school. Ridge Valley High is a school that is very high-tech thanks to its benefactor, billionaire Tobias Bloom. But things aren’t as they should be in Ridge Valley High when the school’s brightest students begin disappearing only to return in a zombified trance.

Apparently there’s been some talk about working on a “Scooby-Doo Universe”. I… don’t really care for this concept.

DAPHNE AND VELMA comes out on Bluray and DVD May 22, 2018.

~Big  Eyes

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