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Alejandro Jodorowsky's new psychonautic adventure begins- PSYCHOMAGIC, AN ART THAT HEALS

Hello all, Mad Dashiell here and thank you for joining me. We have a new ambitious vision on the way from the master magus of midnight movies himself, an exciting film that claims to be a totally new kind of cinematic experience with a profound humanistic purpose. This will be the third installment of the cinematographic adventure of Alejandro Jodorowsky: "PSYCHOMAGIC, AN ART THAT HEALS".

From the producers of the last two Alejandro Jodorowsky's masterpieces "LA DANZA DE LA REALIDAD/THE DANCE OF REALITY" and "POESIA SIN FIN/ENDLESS POETRY", The Satori Film Team has sent out word they will be embarking on another motion picture experience with the psychonautic filmmaker. Jodorowsky's integrity and artistic honesty have remained steadfast throughout the span of his career. 

Like his last two films, Jodorowsky will be reaching out to his audience for help in the creation of "PSYCHOMAGIC, AN ART THAT HEALS". Look for the official launch of the Satori Teams crowdfunding campaign, this weekend and join him once again on his rebellion against the ultra-commercial system of the film industry by helping to create a free and independent cinema and preserve uncompromising artistic expression. Indigogo was the platform the team used last time and I expect it will be the same. Thanks for joining me, stay tuned for all the exciting updates,


Mad Dashiell signing off.

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