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Watch the Opening 3 Minutes of Joss Whedon's IN YOUR EYES!


Hey guys! Horrorella here...

Listen up, Whedonites! Following last year’s MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING, and before we have really seen anything out of AVENGERS: THE AGE OF ULTRON, Joss Whedon has penned another film for us to take in.

The film in question is a sci-fi romance entitled IN YOUR EYES, and was directed by Brin Hill. The film stars Zoe Kazan and Michael Stahl-David as two strangers who share an empathic connection and, despite having never met and living on opposite sides of the country, can sense what the other is feeling.

The film is premiering at the Tribeca Film Festival this weekend, but thanks to the glories of the Internet, we get to watch the first three minutes just to get a taste.


Via EW

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