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Journey Doc DON'T STOP BELIEVIN' gets a trailer!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. We're allowed to admit publicly that we love Journey, right? I remember a time when Journey was socially considered "guilty pleasure" music, but I guess Glee has changed that back because I hear their music everywhere again.

Don't Stop Believin' is one of those songs that I've heard played in many different countries and whenever it comes on someone starts singing along. I've seen this happen in Park City, New Orleans, Wellington, London and Toronto, at Supermarkets, in clubs, at bars and restaurants. It's infectious.

So, loving me some Journey, this trailer hits all the right buttons. I was already aware of their search to replace Steve Perry as lead singer and knew the unique direction they went in, but I don't know the extent of what their search was, so I'm looking forward to checking this doc out.


-Eric Vespe
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