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Exclusive Key Art and Key Set stills for PROJECT ITHACA

Ken with some exclusive key art and key set stills from PROJECT ITHACA.

What is PROJECT ITHACA, you ask?

Here’s the trailer

I have to admit, that’s a pretty decent trailer.  Builds the world they’re presenting while inducing tension with scattered panic shots.  The lighting stands out to me here too.

Basic synopsis:  Seven strangers wake up together.  Only problem is, they’re not in Kansas anymore and are flying aboard an alien spacecraft.  They need to work together to find a way back to earth.  Or they could always fight one another and make everything easier on the interstellar kidnappers.

Exclusive Key Set stills:

I really like all i'm seeing here.  Curious as to what all the blue blood is about. 

Exclusive Key Art:

PROJECT ITHACA is directed by Nicholas Humphries off a script by Anthony Artibello and Kevin C. Bjerkness.  James Gallanders, Deragh Campbell and Daniel Fathers lead the cast. 

Who else is feeling this Sci-Fi offering?
What's your favorite horror movie in space?  Mine would either be ALIENS or EVENT HORIZON.

PROJECT ITHACA will be in theaters and On Demand June 7th.

Til next time Kids

Ken Lewis (AKA: Freddy Beans)

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