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See the New & Most Disturbing "BRIGHTBURN" Trailer! Your Eyes Will BLEED! Also there's a New Poster!


Hola Dannie aqui, 

 Today Sony Pictures released a new extended trailer for the Gunn Brother's new film "BRIGHTBURN" and holy fucking hell it is a jaw dropper! Without any further ado, I give you a trailer that will make your eyes bleed, your heart race, and your brain broken. Here is the extended trailer for "BRIGHTBURN." 


"BRIGHTBURN" is directed by David Yarovesky who is mainly known for his work on music videos some of which are Guardians of the Galaxy- Inferno, Korn-Hater,  Julian Perretta- If I Ever Feel Better, Julian Perretta-Wonder Why. As well as the short films "Ghild," "Hell Hath No Fury," and the feature film "The Hive." Guardians of the Galaxy's James Gunn took the role of producer on "Brightburn." Brian Gunn ("Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" and "2gether") and Mark Gunn ("Journey 2: The Mysterious Island" and "2gether") penned this dark comic book feeling horror flick. 

"Brightburn" stars Jackson A. Dunn as the creepy kid Brandon Breyer, Elizabeth Banks ("The Hunger Games" trilogy), David Denman ("13 Hours"), Matt Jones ("Red State"), Meredith Hagner ("Hits"), Jennifer Holland ("American Horror Story"), Steve Agee ("Guardians of the Galaxy"), and Gregory Alan Williams ("Remember the Titans").


"Brightburn" is set to devastate theaters in the UK, USA, Spain, and Finland on May 24th and I am fucking so eager to see it. What do all of you out there in cyberspace think of "Brightburn" how many of you are willing to shell out the cash to see an evil bizarro version of kid Superman throwing deadly tantrums? I am more ready than ever to throw my money at this heavily Gunn-ed flick! Take all my money. Sony here have it and give me this film NOW! Jesus that trailer was so friggin' awesome! That is one bad boy, I tell ya!


Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!

Dannie H.L. Knowles aka Pekosa Peligrosa



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