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This Week's SATURDAY SHORTS: Comedy Galore!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Muldoon here with this week's selection of short films for your very own viewing pleasures, created and submitted by fellow AICN readers. While I had originally selected a lineup of grisly horror films to feature this weekend, last night I thought long and hard about what I wanted to project this weekend and well, it's comedy. By no means are those horror films any less deserving, but I feel like there's a well deserved tension in the media right now, a constant reminder of the real terror that exists in the world. What film is about is the ability to escape into a story, have your mood changed, then let back out into your reality. In the next few days/weeks/months we will all be bombarded with fear, anger, and frustration. This week's SATURDAY SHORTS is here to give you a bit of a mental vacation. Below are seven damn fine films in my opinion that are well deserving of your time and will put a smile on your face. (Make them full screen, crank the volume up!)

Go grab yourself some popcorn, lock your kids in a closet, kill the lights, relax and check out this little weekly film fest we've got ourselves here:


TRT: 5:44

To kick this week off right we have a film from writer-director-producer-editor Toby Morris. "Edward and Cedric Parker are the greatest inventors of all time... History just doesn't know it." Check out the rest of Toby's videos HERE.

The Incredible Parker Brothers from Toby Morris on Vimeo.



TRT: 1:39

Here we have a fun, short, bit of laughs from Richard Reynolds and Jordan Morris of Waking Dream Studios. "Have you ever wondered if zombies, or brain ingesting entities, are really as bad as films and TV shows would have you believe? Take a look at our short informational video and learn a little more about the important work of Z.O.M.B.I.E." 

A Message From Z.O.M.B.I.E. from Waking Dream Studios on Vimeo.



TRT: 7:37

This short was shot to be by writer Josh Pesner and was directed by Chris Ferrantino and answers the question, "What happens when you use Facebook to learn about your date?" "A potential online match made in heaven goes terribly wrong when each person looks into the other on Facebook."


TRT: 7:20

A fair amount of you might have caught this one a few weeks back as it was posted in the Talkbacks, but not on SATURDAY SHORTS at the time and well - it's kind of awesome. From Martin O'Leary comes this funny bit of sci-fi that is sure to rock your world. "Brianna Weald. Pan galactic freelancer. Reluctant adventurer. A captain without a ship, a woman in trouble... Lost in space, captured in a gravity well and trapped inside a malfunctioning space suit, our consummate profanitist finds herself burying old grievances, shedding her suspicions and ejecting reservations in order to save her life. For on a hard drive, far far away, within the depths of the Heart Corporation's planet sized data-centres, lurks the newly improved saviour-ware that is VERSION 10. It's time for an upgrade..." Check out Martin's site, HERE, or follow the man on Twitter with @Strange_Tea.



TRT: 5:21 

So next up we have a lovely bit of wtf, the first of a webseries (which I typically don't put up here) that left me laughing and scratching my head at the same time. Writer-Producer Franco Movsesian has taken a familiar format and shoved a character so out of left field (The Crow himself) into the mix and yet it works. Be sure the check out other videos from him HERE.



TRT: 3:37

From Keith Schofield comes this unique short, starring 21 JUMPSTREET and THE WATCH (insanely awesome movie you should watch/rewatch)'s Johnny Pemberton. "A guy goes to a party and doesn't know anyone." If you like what you see, be sure to hit up Keith's site HERE.

Party Time from Keith Schofield on Vimeo.


TRT: 4:07

To wrap out this week is... Well based on the title, you're probably already aware of where it's going. Starring David Jung, EDWARD BLENDERHANDS tells the story of how a man with blenders for hands can exist in a world where people have hands for hands. Check out the gang's YouTube channel HERE.


I can't help but rewatch that last one over and over... At any rate, ladies and gentlemen I hope you dug this week's selection - I sure did. I'll see you next week, but hey - if you're in the mood for more SATURDAY SHORTS, click any of the links below:

Genre Explosions (1/28/12)

Mixed Genre Bag (2/4/12)

Mixed Bag (2/11/12)

Horror/SciFi (2/18/12)

Comedy (2/25/12)

Mixed Bag (3/3/12)

Horror (3/10/12)

Genre Mix (3/17/12)

Mixed Bag (3/24/12)

Mix (3/31/12)

Drama/Thriller (4/7/12)

Mixed Bag (4/14/12)

Comedy (4/21/12)

Animated (4/28/12)

Horror/SciFi (5/5/12)

Comedy (5/12/12)

Mixed Genre Bag (5/19/12)

Drama (5/26/12)

SciFi (6/2/12)

Horror (6/9/12)

SciFi (6/16/12)

Animated (6/23/12)

Supernatural Goodness (6/30/12)

Comedy (7/7/12)

SciFi Explosions With Aliens (7/14/12)

Comedy (7/21/12)

Mixed Bag (7/28/12)

Science Fiction (8/4/12)

Creature Features (8/11/12)

Drama (8/18/12)

Animation Craziness (8/25/12)

Mixed bag of Awesome (9/1/12)

Dark Comedy Extravaganza (9/8/12)

Random Bits of Fun (9/15/12)

Comedy (9/22/12)

Damn Fine Horror (9/29/12)

Goofy Comedy Laughsplosion (10/6/12)

Drama (10/13/12)

Genre-Fest (10/20/12)

Horror (10/27/12)

SciFi (11/3/12)

Genre Explosion (11/10/12)

Drama (11/17/12)

Genre Explosion (11/24/12)

Genre Basket of Awesome (12/1/12)

Genre Marathon (12/8/12)

If you have a short and think it belongs here or are on the fence about whether to send it in, please do send it in - I'd love to see what you've put together. I've already seen hundreds of fresh new filmmakers' shorts and like any good addict, I need more!

Shoot me an email at ""

In the subject line include:

“SHORTS” + “Your film’s name” + “The film’s genre”

Then, in the body of the email, please include a synopsis of the film and any contact information you might think I need or would want published. The more info you send my way, the more info there is to put with your short.

Please don’t feel the need to submit multiple times. 

Remember, the filmmakers might still be in the audience, so feel free to share your thoughts in Talkbacks below. (JUST DON'T BE AN ASSHOLE). I picked them, so you know I think highly of all of these, but how about you fine folks? How'd you like 'em?



- Mike McCutchen


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