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RE-UPDATE (Another Photo)!! Here's A Nice Profile/Body Shot Of SPIDER-MAN From That Movie!!

Merrick again...

Perez Hilton (via On Location News) has another  behind the scenes image from the shoot - a bit more suit detail can be see (thanks, Talkbacker chewtoy!)

That foot shot...looks less like he's wearing sneakers and more like some kind of metalish clamp/brace, maybe?  Perhaps Spidey has to leave a shoe store in a hurry and runs around with Brannock Scales stuck to his feet?  Also...decidedly white/silver eyes.

Find said images HERE.




Merrick here...

MTV has themselves a nice, sharp image of Marc Webb's costumed SPIDER-MAN shooting the new movie in L.A. this week.  Via MTV's enlargements, his eyes and web shooters are clearly visible.

As this picture was most likely nabbed during the filming of the elaborate stunt sequences we saw photos from (and video of) earlier this week, it's probable we're looking at a stunt costume whose detailing might not be as fully realized as the "hero" costume (i.e. the primary, fully detailed costume) we were introduced to HERE (I'm guessing, for example, this doesn't represent his real footwear).  All of this does, however, give us a good, general sense of what the mask and shooters will look like in the new film - as well as providing our first full sense of the costume as a whole.  

Click HERE for a larger version of the same, including the above-mentioned blow-ups of his eyes and web shooters.  

— follow Merrick on Twitter ! —



Merrick again...

Nordling submitted an article about the same subject, at exactly the same time.  What follows are his thoughts on the matter...

Nordling here.

This picture, care of MTV, looks a little more official than the spy reports we've been getting the past couple of days.  In it you can clearly see at least a side of his mask and the webshooters on his wrist.  Still not clear whether they're just apertures for bioweb spinners or actual devices, although Emma Stone said a few days ago that they're devices.
I'm really liking the look of the costume.  It looks like a costume today's teenager would design, all pomp and bluster.  I like how the mask looks straight out of early-era Spidey (I always hated how McFarlane made the eyes way too large).  And I like how he basically has the build of a teenager and not a muscle-bound guy.
You're probably on overkill at this point when it comes to these Spidey set reports; at this point we're going to have plot and spoilers leak out if the studio isn't careful.  Don't want that.  But I like this look a lot and even though it's a little flashy in comparison to the original Spider-Man drawings it still works.  What say you?
Nordling, out.
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