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So Mel Gibson's Appearance In THE HANGOVER Sequel Has Been Reconsidered...

Merrick here...
Earlier this week we learned that Mel Gibson was set to make an appearance in Todd Phillips' forthcoming sequel to THE HANGOVER. This...didn't go over so well. When I first heard about the decision to include Gibson in the movie, I knew it was certain to ruffle some feathers - but I was surprised by the overall negativity and intensity of reaction to the news. For example, we received a number of e-mails from readers saying that Gibson's appearance had soiled their perception of all Todd Phillips movies, and they weren't sure they would ever see another one of his pictures again. Pretty strong sentiments. in the entire time I've been covering the entertainment biz on The Net (over a decade)...I don't recall such loud and precise ire ever having been vented towards casting of this type. Now it looks like Gibson won't be in the film due to negative reactions about his appearance. Todd Phillips has issued a statement saying that "I realize filmmaking is a collaborative effort, and this decision ultimately did not have the full support of my entire cast and crew." So there you have it. This decision is certain to re-open debates about where, exactly, the threshold lies in matters such as these. I.e. why do some celebrity missteps afford second and third chances, while other stars are quickly consumed by fiery and inescapable backlashes. I don't pretend to have these answers (although I have a few hunches I'm not comfortable sharing herein), but I think these are fascinating questions to ask all the same.
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