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Are We Stuck In Semantic Hell?? The Twins May Be In TRANSFORMERS 3 After All!! Sorta...

Merrick here...
Yesterday we mentioned a forum message over at Michael Bay's ShootForTheEdit site in which Michael indicated that "The Twins" we saw in the second TRANSFORMERS film - aka Skids and Mudflap - would not be in the new movie (details HERE ). Pretty much a good thing, no mater how you look at it. His post read, simply:
Re: The Autbot Twins are back for TF3! The Twins are not back in T3.
HOWEVER, seems (at least possible) that shenanigans may be afoot. LeftLaneNews glimpsed some vehicles on the set of TRANSFORMERS 3, and...lo and behold...spotted two extremely identical cars - both Chevy Sparks - one with green stripes, one with orange - sporting “Autobot” center caps on the wheels. Twins. You can find a report about, as well as images from, this sighting HERE. As far as I can figure, this suggests one of three scernarios.. 1) We're into some sort of freaky semantic thing here - and Bay simply meant the Twins we saw in REVENGE OF THE FALLEN wouldn't be the same in T3... 2) There has been some (alleged) pre-viz being done for the film. Perhaps these Chevy Sparks were on set as part of that process as placeholders/test vehicles of some sort, but aren't necessarily meant to appear in the picture itself? Not really buying into that scenario...but I suppose it's at least feasible. 3) Bay told us Skids and Mudflap wouldn't be in the third movie to silence early and inevitable doubts and criticisms about their presence (possibly because the characters are being re-worked and he wanted a "fresh" intro)? All of these possibilities are merely guesses, but seem reasonable enough I suppose. I've got a few feelers out about this and will updated with more details when/should anyone reply with further clarity.
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