Ain't It Cool News (

Tapping!! Monsters!! STARGATE Guys!! Cop-Hating-Destructo-Kids!! The First Episode Of SANCTUARY Is Now Online!!

Merrick here... A few weeks ago, we posted a link to a 5 minute preview of a new online web series called SANCTUARY. It stars STARGATE SG-1’s Amanda Tapping & is headed up by numerous STARGATE alumni. You can read the original report (and find more details & credits) HERE. The first full episode of the series went on-line today, and seems rather impressive in style, scope, and concept. It looks to be an homage to/amalgam of many genre faves (I’m sensing a touch of X-FILES, HIGHLANDER, and HELLBOY among several other nods), although its personality seems distinct at the moment. Each episode will be roughly 15 minutes long, and new eps should roll around every two weeks or so. I wasn’t knocked out by the preview footage we saw, but this first episode suggests the series could be a lot of fun. Between Tapping (who is super-mega-desirable…all the time) and a variety of monsters…it oughta make for good Geek fodder.


Love the title sequence & music. By the way, they've been experiencing some server slammage be patient & be sure to try back if you get frozen out. I'm told these issues have been resolved. But, I thought I'd mention it just in case.

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