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Why Do They Hurt Us?!?! More Info On Paul W.S. Anderson Bringing CASTLEVANIA To The Screen!!

Merrick here...
We first caught wind of this a few months back, but a bit more information is finally surfacing. It's already known that Paul W.S. Anderson will write & helm a CASTLEVANIA project. What's new? It has a $50 million budget, it's being made for Rogue, locations are being scouted...and I'm gonna need a biggger bottle of Tylenol. In case you're new to AICN, Anderson doesn't get much love in these here parts. AVP (ALIEN VS PREDATOR) is widely regarded as a flaccid, frustrating, discontinuitous mess. He's reviled for roundly botching a promising script called SOLDIER. RESIDENT EVIL coulda sucked worse...but it could soared higher, too. The only PWSA film for which I (personally) give him any respect is EVENT HORIZON -- whose unnerving design and edgy atmosphere overcome many imperfections to make for a memorable-if-flawed film. Not a great track record in the annals of Geekdom. that pustule on my shoulder that keeps filling up again even after it has popped...he keeps coming back. Re: CASTLEVANIA from Variety...
"It's an action/horror project in the vein of 'Underworld' and 'Blade,' and hopefully it will be a big franchise for us," Rogue co-prexy Andrew Rona said.
Or, more specifically...
Anderson's script spans many time periods but mostly takes place in 15th century Transylvania. It reps a fresh take on the much-filmed Dracula legend, mining back to its genesis in the story of the Romanian prince Vlad the Impaler. "You could almost call this movie 'Dracula Begins,'" Anderson said.
You could. Or, you could just call it... Ahhh, never mind.


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