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Alicia Vikander is Lara Croft in TOMB RAIDER!

Even though she was rather steely as Ava in EX MACHINA, I certainly never thought of Alicia Vikander as some tough, badass chick. I suppose that’s gonna change fairly soon.


The actress, who won an Academy Award this year for THE DANISH GIRL, will star as Lara Croft in Roar Uthaug’s TOMB RAIDER reboot, beating out Daisy Ridley (though apparently Vikander was always the first choice).


Now, Angelina Jolie was also a freshly-minted Oscar winner when she took on the role back in 2001, but she had a, say, flintiness to her that I’ve never detected from Vikander. Not a knock on her talent, which is considerable, just saying that, at this point in time, it seems a stretch to see her firing two guns whilst jumping through the air or any of that good stuff we all expect from a Lara Croft movie. Maybe after we see her in JASON BOURNE, the idea of her as a hard-edged, physically capable badass will go down a lot smoother.


This franchise is one that, hopefully, has its best days ahead of it (it’s surprising that, after two moderately-to-poorly-received TOMB RAIDER movies, the Croft role is still considered “one of Hollywood’s most coveted leading roles.”), and Vikander is as hot an up-and-coming young actress as any around right now, so I’m hoping for good things from her…


How do y’all feel about Alicia Vikander as everyone’s favorite kickass badass of a TOMB RAIDER?


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