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Roland Emmerich's STONEWALL poster seeks to remind you of where it all began!

Hey folks, Harry here...  The Stonewall Riots took place 2 years before I was born.  I didn't hear about them until my Freshman year of Highschool, when my Uncle Charlie came to live with my Mom and Sister.  He had become diagnosed with HIV and had nowhere to else to go.  My mom might've turned into a bit of a nightmare in my life at that time, but she took her little step-brother in - and he told me stories of what it was like to be a Gay man in his lifetime.  He had been in San Francisco at the time of the Stonewall Riots.  He wasn't harmed, but he sure was frightened by the event.  It brought him back to Texas.  For a time he lived in Austin, then the Dallas/Ft Worth Area, then with us.  His being gay, combined with the infedelities of my Maternal Grandmother - made my Grandfather drive at 80mph into a brick wall, killing himself.  Charlie blamed his sexuality for his father's death, to me... that's why the shame and hate that the people that oppose the LGBT community... well they drive me crazy.  We all have the right to our own pursuit of happiness.  I'm massively curiously to see what Roland Emmerich has come up with for STONEWALL, but the poster makes me smile.   


Keep it cool,



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