Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News

Wife gone, 2 Hotties go KNOCK KNOCK, Eli Roth makes a film where you shouldn't open the door!

Hey folks, Harry here...  I'm dying to see KNOCK KNOCK.  Eli Roth is my kind of degenerate, that would make a film that plays to every Married man's fondest fantasy.   The wife is gone with the kids.  KNOCK KNOCK.  You spy two absolutely adorably hot women through the peep hole.  This is how Penthouse Forum letters and innumerable Porns begin.   But is Eli Roth making a porn?  Maybe some day, but not today.   Today, he gave COLLIDER the exclusive on the following poster - at such a scale that you can enter the pores of their skin.   Truly amazing Hank Pym style closeness.   


So - do you open the door?  Well, do ya punk?


Keep it cool,



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