Ain't It Cool News (
Animation and Anime

Want to see a nice scene from TOY STORY 3? In 2D on your monitor?

Hey folks, Harry here with another cool clip found online today. We've seen pieces of this scene, but now we can see it more completely. But should we? Do you dare spoil even a moment more of this, the third and possibly last outing of these wondrous toys? But.... maybe you're like me - and you have Iwannaseeitnowitus and you just can't help yourself. And you need to know if I'm happy I saw this clip? ABSOLUTELY. Pixar is my happy spot. It's right there, you know, that spot inside which nothing can stain or taint. It is that spot that makes you connect Legos and play with Play-doh when you see it, for me, PIXAR means that innocent wide-eyed smile of simple happiness and other pure emotions. So, I will compulsively click on just about any link with a moment of PIXAR - cuz that feeling that Pixar gives... that's whenever you can get it. So folks...

Go Get Yours!

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