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Ian McKellen Writes About His Thoughts Upon Seeing THE FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING!!!

Hey folks, Harry here. I can't tell you how happy I am that Ian is so delighted about FELLOWSHIP OF THE RING. Tonight there may very well be a flood of reviews coming on FELLOWSHIP... New Line begins the wider screenings tonight. Up until this point, the screenings had been EXTREMELY LIMITED, but the film is now completely finished and they will begin screening to critics, Academy members and the Oscar prediction lists that you have begun to see at various places... well, they're about to change. You'll see. But back to Ian. I heard from a friend that knows Ian that he was a bit flabbergasted by the film. Word was it brought him to tears. Ian is generally incredibly reserved about his films. Often times quite negative in advance. Not so with this one. Below is an excerpt from his review...

"Over the months, I have leaked a few secrets, one of which now turns out to have been misleading, so perhaps I should in all fairness correct it. The Fellowship of The Ring does after all begin with a prologue sequence, which sets the scene and story of The One Ring before the adventures proper begin. This is done so expeditiously and excitingly that it is almost like a film of its own with glimpses of the Dark Lord and the forging of The One Ring. It is narrated by a female voice (guess whose) and leads you into the world of Middle earth confidently as if Peter Jackson had taken you by the hand and personally led you there. There you remain for about 2 hours 45 minutes, although I thought it was less than an hour, the journey was so entrancing. It’s the film equivalent of “not being able to put it down till I’d finished”. The promise of two more movies to come completes one’s satisfaction rather than thwarts it."

Click here to read Ian's entire comments upon the film!!!

Also, click below to win your chance to see Ian live on stage in New York!!!! Gandalf and Morgana!!! Ok, not playing those roles, but Ian McKellen and Helen Mirren on stage rules.... no bones about that!

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