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HEARTS IN ATLANTIS QuickTime Trailer Online!

Greetings, citizens! ROBOGEEK here with a trailer treat for ya.

While I was out and about earlier, the QuickTime Movie Trailer team over at Apple posted the first trailer for a film that slowly crept onto my radar, and which I'm now dying to see.


...we've got Anthony Hopkins - who is a god - as well as Hope Davis (who I completely adore) and the often great David Morse...

...we have director Scott Hicks, who not only did SHINE, but perhaps the single most underrated - and beautiful - film of 1999, SNOW FALLING ON CEDARS...

...we have a novel by Stephen King, adapted by no less a screenwriting legend than William Goldman...

...and it's the final film shot by cinematographer Piotr Sobocinski (Krzysztof Kieslowski's DEKALOG and TROIS COULEURS: ROUGE, which earned him an Oscar nomination) before his untimely death in March (he was 43).

So what's it about? See for yourself...


[PLEASE NOTE: To view the trailer, you need QuickTime 5. And FYI, its size/resolution is dependent on the connection speed you have listed in your preferences (ergo: the better the connection, the better the trailer).]


- Robogeek

P.S.: For more information, visit the official website at

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