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James Cameron and Jean-Michel Cousteau are up to something Special! Check it Out!!!

Why is James Cameron the coolest filmmaker working today? What is it that makes him the tops in my book? His dreams. I love the dreams that George Lucas has given me... The dreams that Peter Jackson's upcoming trilogy promises me... But Cameron... On top of bringing me some of the hands down coolest images on film... It's his sense of adventure that I love most. His... I'm going to shoot a 3-D High Def film in Outer Space.... His, I'm going to shoot the oriiginal TITANIC on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean and help design and invent a little RV to go inside and film its interior... Cameron is a forward thinker... And not just for film... he uses the money and power that film has to create new and amazing things. For example... I recently got an email from a UC at San Diego student that sent me to Ocean-Challenge.Net to check out what James Cameron and Jean-Michel Cousteau are up to. And lo and behold... He's upto yet another bold adventure.

Reading the attached document you begin to get the idea that James Cameron and Jean-Michel Cousteau are playing the part of Queen Isabella, sending a crew of Columbuses out to discover a new world. We look at these reality series that are in existence... Where's the vision or the scope.... Where's the dream of what the human species can achieve? Oh... So on SURVIVOR we have a sociological study on how the influx of money can destroy and breakdown the group. Voting one another out... We treat it like a freakshow... Look... They Eat Rats!!! Oh did you see when blah blah burnt his hand? I cried! OH COME ON!

Ultimately Survivor is about one person landing money. All these game shows... it is all about greed and personal consumeristic barbarism.... survival of the richest.

Here, Cameron and Cousteau seem to be postulating that they create a show.... challenge intelligent, brave and creative group to 'boldly go where no man or woman has gone before'... to pocket a phrase. To document it all.... To give it to us weekly. A months long sea voyage and beneath the surface of the sea voyage... To discover underwater caves, to explore bottom of the ocean lifeforms... Things we can't imagine in the deep... To hear the creaking of the metal beneath tons of pressure... to watch the effects of depressurizing... Not acted, but for real!

This is the dream of better television for the Reality Series... Well... do we have any takers?


From: James Cameron and Jean-Michel Cousteau, Executive Producers

Though we come to our love for the ocean from different backgrounds we share the dream of capturing the enthusiasm of a new generation and harnessing it in service of the sea. To that end we are launching an ambitious non-fiction television series called Ocean Challenge which will focus exclusively on ocean science and adventure. We are excited by your interest and hope you will apply for our expedition.

About the program:

We envision a young team of researchers and explorers from around the world (that's you) on an exciting two-and-a-half year expedition to image as much of the ocean and its treasures as possible, from the North Pole to Antarctica, from intertidal to abyssal depths and every depth inbetween. We will have our own 1000 meter rated deep submersibles and ROVs on board our 200’ research vessel, and we will work with other submersible systems as well (such as the Russian Mirs, which have 6000 meter depth capability). By recording every aspect of the journey with a proprietary state-of-the-art 3D High Definition imaging system the team will communicate the beauty, mystery and power of the ocean realm to viewers around the world. We're equally interested in the lives and emotions of the scientists who will make this journey possible since viewers must experience the voyage through their eyes.

This will not be your typical nature documentary series. Our program will involve science having fun. Who needs a narrator when our team can talk to one another underwater? Who needs "talking head" interviews when we can rendezvous with noted experts working in the field and take a ride with them in their submersibles? Our Ocean Challenge team will become the eyes and ears, the hearts and minds through which the home audience can experience the awe and mystery of the sea, as well as the triumphs and failures, joys and miseries of a long sea voyage of discovery. The viewing public has a flood of information, what they need is perspective: Why is what they are seeing important? We need to rekindle passion, and by doing so we can influence a new generation to become ocean guardians.

It's an adventure with a conscience. And if you think you may have the ability to share your thoughts, emotions and experiences on camera, we want to hear from you. We need to find our voices for the sea.

Folks, if this sounds like your journey, your adventure, the thing you were meant for... I whole-heartedly recommend that you download the application and attempt to embark on this tremendous experience. This really seems like something special. The dream if you will...

CLICK HERE and then download the Adobe PDF application to apply and learn more!!! Good Luck!

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