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About Will Smith's Trainer on Michael Mann's ALI...

Hey folks, Harry here from the mysterious thanker, who left this report unsigned in the email portal of AICN to read. Having seen those pictures of Will Smith... I believe just about everyone is a bit awed by the physical transformation of body type... and here's a bit about the man that has done that, and a bit of a clue what Smith had to go through to get there. Read on...

I only know bits and pieces, but I hear that Will Smith's trainer, Darrell Foster, had Will training 2 to 3 times a day in preparation for the upcoming film. The regimen I believe included running in the morning, boxing in the late morning and weight training in the late afternoon/early evening. I also heard that Will took his trainer, Darrell Foster with him on several family getaways so that he could stay true to the training and not veer off too far. I hear that Mr. Foster is a pro fighter himself who has trained many fighters prior to entering the Hollywood scene. I have also heard that unlike any other trainer, he has done everything he asked Will and all the other fighters on the film to do. I think his philosophy is to lead by example. I personally don't know any trainer, coach or person who would put him/herself through a rough regimen just for the heck of it, for the spirit of the team.

I recently read an article in LA Life Magazine, inside the LA Daily newspaper, dated March 8, 2001. There was an article on Will Smith, but they quoted his trainer throughout the article. It seems to me, that his trainer needs more kudos than Mr. Mann, since without Mr. Foster, Will Smith could not be Muhammad Ali. They might have been able to get his make up right, and his voice right too, but just look at the pictures of Will Smith, everyone is going to be blown away by what he LOOKS like, both physically and as a fighter. I hope to hear more about Mr. Foster in the near future, and if you have any insight would you please share with the public. I would like to learn how to fight, maybe I need to hire him...


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