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DCscoop unveils a look at JUST VISITING!!!

Hey folks, Harry here with a review of a movie that's trailer is making millions retch in despair.... The trailer is a bizarre, weird, horrible looking thing that made me completely want to steer clear of the potential train wreck headed at us.... BUT LO... A review comes from D.C. saying that the trailer lies and that the film does have merit... that though based on a wonderful French Comedy it somehow translated.... Riiiiiight... Well given the list of trailers I saw tonight... maybe it is just a bad work of marketing... Maybe the film is cool.... We'll wait and see what others think first though...

Harry and Robogeek (Unsure why I went with Robogeek, so many choices for my first scoop.) Thought you might be interested in this. Just got back from a screening of the movie Just Visiting in Washington, D.C. I was at the mall last week and was asked if I wanted to come to a screening of a movie tonight. (Last time I did this it turned out to be American Pie.)

Turned out to be Just Visiting and I was very surprised by the movie. (I saw the preview before and didn't think the movie was for me.) I thought it was pretty amusing and my friend loved it. (It turns out he was a big fan of the French film it is based on.) The movie is not going to win any awards but its got 3 pretty good looking girls in it with Christina Applegate, Tara Reid, and Bridgette Wilson. (Good to see Kelly Bundy back in work after the Jesse fiasco.)

It was a really funny comedy that really flowed like many 80's movies. (The type of movie you will watch a thousand times on TV.) I mean the movie ended with a freeze frame. It was about 2 French mideavils (Knight and servant) getting sent to modern day Chicago by a wizard played by Malcolm McDowell. (Kind of funny when McDowell's character gets to modern time and steals all the inventions and science books.) The knight Tybalt meets up with his lineage in modern day and must solve problems in the 21st century and 11th century all in 1.5 hours. (Far-fetched but a movie). His descendant is played by Applegate.

Each scene really set up the next comedic moment really well. It was difficult to hear some of the scenes over the crowd laughing. (It took like 2 minutes for the crowd to stop laughing after the restauraunt scene with the Knight's servant.) There is a great scene where the unbelievably gorgeous Bridgette Wilson is rolling around on a large office desk trying to "get the attention" of a guy. This will make any Billy Madison fan happy.

It seemed like it was the final cut of the movie with all the special effects complete. I wish there were more Tara Reid scenes in the film. Jean Reno continues his strange career. Hard to believe he did the Professional and this but he was hillarious as the Tibalt the Knight. Overall I'll say that the movie was funny and something that I would recommend to anyone looking for a light-hearted comedy. (Also the Bridgette Wilson scene is great for, well, life in general.) It won't change the world but will make plenty of teenage boys happy.



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