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Kathleen Kennedy confirms fate of the BOBA FETT standalone film!

Last night, SiriusXM journalist Erick Weber stated through his official Twitter account that he had spoken to superproducer Kathleen Kennedy and was able to ask her about the status of the Star Wars spinoff film focusing on the Mandalorian bounty hunter Boba Fett.
Her response was that it is 100% not happening. His tweet can be read HERE.
 They will be instead focusing any ideas for that film into the upcoming Disney Play live action series THE MANDALORIAN. That series is currently being worked on now by director John Favreau (IRON MAN). Which makes perfect sense really.
For a while, it appeared that the film was going to happen, despite never being officially greenlighted by Disney, with LOGAN's James Mangold.
What do you guys think? Sad that this isn't happening? Looking forward to THE MANDALORIAN series on Disney Play? Let us know!


- Matthew Essary

(aka "Wheels")


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