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Movie News

Liv Tyler may be up for taking on F'n Chucky man!

Freddy Beans here with some CHILD’S PLAY news out of

Last week we found out that MGM was going forward with a remake of the 1980’s horror movie CHILD’S PLAY.

This week we find that Arwen (Liv Tyler) has been offered the role of Andy’s mom Karen.  
Andy’s mom is the one who brings Chucky into both their lives in the original.  Fighting through the Cabbage Patch mania for a Good Guys doll, Karen makes a deal with a homeless man for the Chucky figure.  One he somehow conveniently possesses in his grocery cart even though the entire town is looking for one.  

Lars Klevberg (POLAROID) will direct off a script by Tyler Burton Smith. (Kung Fury 2)   Production starts on this CHILD’S PLAY  September in Vancouver, Canada.

Rumor is Dourif won’t return here so Chucky’s iconic voice will be different.  

I wasn’t looking for a CHILD’S PLAY remake but if they’re doing this I just want it to be dark like the original.  I also hope they stick to the Animatronics for our Good Guy doll, I don’t want a CGI Chucky!

Do you?

Til next time Kids

Freddy Beans


Instagram “@freddybeans_aicn”

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