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Movie News

French Graphic Novel UNDER to be Adapted!

Morning, geeks!

Cool news just keeps on rolling in from San Diego Comic Con, so let’s start your morning off right! Graphic novel by the name of UNDER is to be adapted into a movie!

“Under” was created by French writer Christophe Bec and illustrated by his regular artist and collaborator Stefano Rafael. The comics originally launched in France in 2010, English versions came out just late last year.

“Set in the near future in the city’s vast sewer complex, which have become a war zone, complete with mutant spiders and crocodiles, disgraced former detective, Jericho, leads the subterranean police force attempting to preserve a semblance of order. Sandra Yeatman, a young female scientist, embeds herself with Jericho’s team, to his disdain, and they battle to stop the underwater carnage spreading above ground.”

This sounds pretty darn cool, this could make for a good setup for a video game too!

The movie is being adapted by Anthony Alleyne, whose “Sunburn” recently played at the London Screenings. Writer Brennig Hayden has been roped in to pen the script. UNDER has been given a budget of just 8 Million Euro, which equates to about $9,368,000. Shooting begins in late 2019.

~Big Eyes


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