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New Incredibles 2 Trailer "SUIT UP"


 Hola Dannie aqui,

I have been sick for the last three days, (I will spare you all the details) however I am back! Yesterday the "INCREDIBLES 2" trailer titled "Suit Up" came out! It is a pure and utter joy to see these beloved characters come to life once more!

Without further adieu, here's the new (from yesterday) trailer--  

The wait for this has been entirely too long, I can not wait until June 15th to see one of my favorite super-fams! This trailer was adorable in my opinion, what do all of you think? I apologize for the delay I am but a mere mortal and was not feeling incredible, hope you are all super!

Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!

Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa

Portrait Artwork by the super Paul Russel


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