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Jonesy - the furrific feline albatross of the Nostromo gets literary!

 Hello all, Mad Dashiell here and thanks for joining me. Today we revisit a classic tale. Jonesy, the cat from ALIEN, is getting his own book.

 Most everyone, especially readers here at AICN know of the USCSS Nostromo and the disastrous mission to the far reaches of the galaxy with its crew of seven. But there is still one crew members tale that Alien franchise could shed a little more light on. Jonesy the Ginger Tomcat, also referred as Jones. Besides being brought aboard the Nostromo as Ellen Ripley's pet, Major Tomcat's official assignment was to control the rodents that snuck aboard the ship. 

     "Here, kitty kitty! Here, Jonesy!" 
    —Brett beckoning Jonesy

 That and of course to serve as a source of rest and relaxation for crew members. Then came the problems, Xenomorph problems. The Alien was a bit larger and more dangerous than the average rodent Jonsey was used to dealing with. Due to his smaller unthreatening size, the being left him alone and the cat is the only one of two crewmembers to have survived the incident unscathed. Then he took a 57 Year cat-nap with Ripley.

 After The salvage crew recovers them, they share a bittersweet reunion in the hospital of the Gateway Station. Jonesy then moves into Ripley's new apartment. When Ripley has to return to LV-426, she smirkingly curses him and saying, "And you, you little s#*t-head, you are staying here". Jonesy is presumed dead by Aliens 3, but that survivalist may still have some of its nine lives left unspent. 

 But did you ever wonder what it was like from the cat-eyes of Jonsey during the events in Alien?! Author Rory Lucey explores this tale in the upcoming Jonesy: Nine Lives on the Nostromo, a full-color, illustrated book! In space, no one can hear you Meow! The book is due out via Titan Books on October 16.

“Aboard the USCSS Nostromo, Jonesy leads a simple life enjoying The Company cat food and chasing space rodents. Until one day, his cryostasis catnap is rudely interrupted. The humans have a new pet and it’s definitely not housetrained.”

-So months ago I heard people asking the question, what will happen now that Disney owns the ALIEN franchise. Well, looks like you have the first installment of that answer right here folks. Thanks for joining me, Mad Dashiell signing off. 

 Art Credit: Dulce Brassea
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