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GUY PEARCE: Will He Own 2001' Get MEMENTO Trailer Here!

There are actors that have break out years, after they have their BREAK OUT performance. For example... In ROMPER STOMPER, a few people in the world took notice of Russell Crowe. Then with L.A. CONFIDENTIAL, a significant portion of the filmgoers took notice. Then in 2000... THE INSIDER hit across the country at the beginning of the year (though technically it came out at the flatline of 1999). Then last summer he had GLADIATOR, and now Russell Crowe is a full fledged STAR.

Well, some took notice of Guy Pearce with THE ADVENTURES OF PRISCILLA, QUEEN OF THE DESERT. With L.A. CONFIDENTIAL a larger audience discovered him. And in 2001... he might very well have a four of a kind to make off with the year.

Since L.A. CONFIDENTIAL, Guy Pearce has had some wonderful roles in some movies that not everyone saw. Films like A SLIPPING DOWN LIFE (great little overlooked film) and RULES OF ENGAGEMENT, which he was quite good in. But 2001 is looking like a helluva year for Guy Pearce.

First up will be MEMENTO, the film whose trailer is at the bottom of this page. Word coming out of Europe is exceptionally strong... Moriarty dug the living bejeesus out of this, and when it hits MARCH 1st, expect critical word to balloon.

Then Guy has THE COUNT OF MONTE CRISTO, being directed by Kevin Reynolds... his first film since the fantastic 187, which completely doesn't get the respect it warrants. This film will have a strong push by Disney.

Then he has a smaller film, which is working to be ready for Cannes and/or Toronto called TILL HUMAN VOICES WAKE US (based on an award winning screenplay) about a character that returns to his hometown to meet the ghost of a person he once knew. If handled correctly, this could be quite special.

And lastly, DreamWorks will be releasing with much hoopla and a gigantic budget, THE TIME MACHINE. Guy is the lead, and while I wasn't a fan of the draft of the script I read, I have heard that several of the things that bugged me, bugged others... and that the script is very much right on target. If the second half of that script has been brought on par with the first half... It could be magnificient. SERIOUSLY. The first half of the script was great. Now that the Robot is apparently gone and a lot of the BS dropped... I am very much looking forward to this. Especially because I dig the hell out of Guy Pearce.

So, will this be the year that Guy nails critical acclaim and box office clout? Do we really want him to get box office clout? Well, I do because Guy seems to pick the right smaller films to be in, and if he has some muscle behind him, then who knows what projects he'd help usher to the screen. Maybe another great Cannibal film? We can hope. Anyway, here's the trailer... enjoy.


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