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INCREDIBLES 2 trailer is to learn desire, want & need all at once!

Hola Dannie aqui


Love the Olympics, they have been teasing INCREDIBLES 2 for the last four days. It is painful to believe it has been 14 years since the original, all the characters haven't aged a day. My son is graduating high school this May. He'll be an adult when he sees this sequel. That is certifiably crazy bonker nuts but it is really a snake! Gotcha! I love the Mr. Mom vibe I'm getting from Mr. Incredible! Look at the posters:

Isn't that just dead sexy, gals? This film is speaking to me. Not that I could possibly react inversely to a Brad Bird movie. Now nail your eyes to the screen and smile big for the trailer:


You do consider that perfect, right? So much happy.

Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies,

Dannie/Pekosa Peligrosa

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