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Freddy Beans is interested in "HEREDITARY"

Hey Everyone Freddy Beans here;

I’m commenting on the “Hereditary” trailer that popped yesterday.  This film has been on fire since it debuted at the Sundance Film Festivals Midnight section. a few days back.

This truly looks fantastic.  I’m going to believe the word of mouth on this, at least for the time being.  Ari Aster directed this one for his premiere directing effort with A24 producing.  Annie Graham (Toni Collete of “Krampus” fame and of course the mother in “Sixth Sense”) and her husband Steve Graham (Gabriel Byrne “Usual Suspects” “Miller’s Crossing”) head the family we see affected.  Ann Dowd (“Apt Pupil” “Compliance”) plays the matriarch Joan who dies to start the film and then proceeds to seemingly haunt the family.  The scene where the granddaughter picks up the dead bird only to scissor snip its head off and then walking her sacrifice to a  waiting grandma who died awhile back fits the entire feel of this picture.  This was perfect for a short preview. It really gave me everything I need to be left wanting.

The synopsis:  A matriarch passes away and the daughter’s side of the family starts looking into her family history.  The deeper they delve into their ancestry the more they seek to escape its now known grasp. 

Not a lot to go on in that synopsis, but holy hell that trailer was everything I want to see in bait to get my butt in a theater.  Revealing a smidgeon of the story while showcasing deep mystery and setting an absolutely unsettling dark tone, yes please!  I loved the blend from dollhouse view to actual room to kick start it.  I also assume these intricately created doll houses have revelations to tell keeping this film well layered. 

With the word of mouth already on this one and that trailer I’m chomping at the bit to get a ticket, watch it and then let you horror buffs know if it was worth the wait. 

Here is the trailer-

Unlike, “Raw” the word of mouth film from last year I heard so much about. In the end "Raw" was a good enough horror film and had a pretty good twist ending but largely was putting me to sleep in the middle.  Let’s keep our fingers crossed this one hurts us inside just the way we like it!

Til next time kids

Freddy Beans

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