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Freddy Beans brings us the BOMB CITY trailer!

Hola Dannie aqui! Freddy Beans has an amazing trailer to share that is for a movie Richard Linklater is raving about! Here he is:
Hey Everyone, Freddy Beans here;
I dare you to not be wowed after seeing this trailer.   To steal a line from a cohort, “This one looks intense.”  ‘Bomb City’ looks to be one of those transcendent films based on real events, but telling a tale about so much more than that.
How do I get all that from a trailer?  
Watch it, I say. 

 ‘Bomb City’ was picked up by a distributor recently, and we will get to see this puppy released in select theaters and on-demand February 9th.  After that trailer, I for one can’t wait that long.  Jameson ‘Jamie’ Brooks directed this film as his first feature length project.  Sheldon Chick co-wrote the screenplay with Jamie.  ‘Bomb City’ gets its name from an Amarillo punk crew, named after the city’s nuclear weapons disassembly plant.  I was never captured by the punk rock scene myself, though, I absolutely was drawn in by its embrace of living anarchy and some of iconic music.

‘Bomb City’ is based on the true story of Brian Deneke (played by Dave Davis), a typical teenage punk rocker growing up in Amarillo, Texas.  A fateful fight breaks out between the punks and the more socially accepted jocks in a parking lot, a few weeks before the start of 1998. The Amarillo community was permanently changed by the events that unfolded that night, but also by the decisions of our Justice system that followed.  I don’t want to give any piece of this plot away.  However, on that trailer alone, it feels like an extremely well timed and poignant movie for the world we live in today.
Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like we live in a world where being different is seemingly under attack for not aligning with the majority.  Perhaps it’s always been this way, but there’s an underlying roar of  “We’re not going to take it anymore” that lies at the heart of this film and without getting political, even in the current social climate.  If there’s any one thing I believe in, it’s that individuality is key to so much.  Daring to be yourself in a world of conformers will always be a tale worth telling.  We need more Brian Deneke’s in this world.  People that don’t necessarily stand up against the world before them, but that stand up and say, “I won’t conform. This is who I am and screw you if you don’t like it.”  Regardless of what side of the fence you fall on politically, that’s a message I think we can all fall behind.  Even over the horizon of a mohawked teenager gone well before his time.
Til next time Kids
Freddy Beans
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