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New BRIGHT Trailer Reveals Metal as Orc Music \m/

Big Eyes here, following up with yet another trailer from the bizarre looking Netflix original “BRIGHT”.  A cartoon geekette like myself would describe the premise as “Zootopia for adult D&D geeks.” IMDB describes it as  “Set in a world where mystical creatures live side by side with humans. A human cop is forced to work with an Orc to find a weapon everyone is prepared to kill for.”


Will Smith plays the cop that will learn how to not be racist, and they even went as far as having him say “Fairy lives don’t matter today.” That’s one boop right on the snoot. (Haha, memes are idioms now!) I speculated in my last write up about “Bright” about whether or not Will Smith knew he was allowing himself to be portrayed as a character in a bad light, as he has had his characters rewritten before to make himself out to be the good guy. After watching this trailer, I am without a doubt that he knows exactly what this comes off as. Perhaps this is his way of putting that idea about him to bed.


You can check out the trailer.

“BRIGHT” will be up for streaming on Netflix on December 22.


~Big Eyes

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