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When ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD can’t save your film, Christopher Plummer reshoots can!



When ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD can’t save your film, Christopher Plummer reshoots can!

Hi, folks! Precious Roy here again today with another trailer. This is the new, Kevin Spacey-less, Christopher Plummer-ful version of the ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD trailer! When I reported the Spacey-Plummer swap just 20 days ago, I had no idea a trailer would be out so soon… but it is upon us already!

It looks to me like some of Ridley Scott’s choices—the overlaying cuts at the ransom call, the tense music instead of “Time of the Season”, the choppiness once Getty refuses to pay— he’s repackaged it to be less of the hostage thriller and more of an action movie. The previous trailer looks like PROOF OF LIFE; this looks like TAKEN.

This could just save this movie’s release, not just in the removal of Spacey, but how much it celebrates Plummer’s presence and makes it clear this is not the Spacey Oscar vehicle it was before. It is asking a lot of the audience, to forget the association with Spacey. Then again, hostage films are difficult to market, and this change-up might just be its saving grace. To paraphrase TAKEN: “Good luck.”

Plummer and Spacey are different actors. I wasn’t keen on the heavy prosthetics they used to make Spacey look like Getty originally, and I felt like the performance suffered for it, too. This has none of that, but also lacks some of Spacey’s scenery-chewing. Still, Plummer has been known to maul the occasional landscape himself with a coy grin… Hope the rushed performance will be up to the rest of the film.

The real test of the switch will be the press conference scene, which this trailer does not repeat. If Plummer can land that deadpan “…nothing,” in a way that steals it from Spacey, ALL THE MONEY IN THE WORLD might just be saved. We'll find out, December 22nd....


Precious Roy

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