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New STAR WARS: THE LAST JEDI Promo-Super-Teaser! And news about Lando! -Dannie

Hola Dannie aqui!

A new Star Wars: The Last Jedi Promo came out today that again questions Rey's allegiances. It is disturbing to see the fear in Luke's eyes, as we know "Fear is the path to the dark side…fear leads to anger…anger leads to hate…hate leads to suffering.”-Yoda from Phantom Menace. Most of this promo is footage we have seen prior, with just a hint of new... It is a galactic tease! Enjoy!


Now for Lando...

Entertainment Weekly reported today that Star Wars: The Last Jedi's writer/director Rian Johnson told them in response to questions regarding Billy Dee Williams' unforgettable character Lando Calrissian- 

“No, and I don’t want fans to get their hopes up,”  (R.J.)

“He’s not in the film and it was never really something that came up. I mean, I loved that character. It would have been fun to see him, but it’s just not something that ever really had a place in the story.” (writer/director Rian Johnson)

Well, that is indeed a bummer as I love Billy Dee Williams, however, I appreciate stories, and if there was not a realistic chance I trust the writers, and am really hoping this film keeps the saga in an upswing. The new promo was such a tease and felt to me, a little corny, but I must have faith in the Force. Until, next time geeks and geekettes!

Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!

Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa

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