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Movie News

New Flight of the Navigator Film

Hola Dannie here...  

Well every fiber of the 80's child that immortally encompasses my wee frame is vibrating at a level of geekdom many may not understand.  As a product of the 80's there were a slew of Sci- Fi Adventures like "Explorers", "E.T.", "Mac and Me", "The Last Starfighter", "Time Bandits" and finally "The Flight of the Navigator".  

  These films wisked me away from my rural country seclusion in North Texas, painting fantasies in my mind of galactic measures this was a beautiful time to escape through cinema.  "Flight of the Navigator" was always one of my absolute favorites as it had just enough "darkness" that balanced with the comedic and lovable nature of the film.  

  This project has been picked up twice and discarded, each time a laser beam to my enternal workings... And now the glowing love and hope for this film is reignited, as today Hollywood Reporter spilled the beans on the remake. Looks like the popular television writer Joe Henderson loved for his writing and envolvement with the popular shows "Lucifer" and Stephen Kings "11-22-63" a Hulu hit, has been announced as the next pen man to tackle "Flight of the Navigator". Heres a Pic of Joe Henderson the lucky devil him.

The studios involved are Lionsgate and.....






The Henson Company! (Dannie bounces with the joy of a 5 year old) this leads me to imagine and pray that there will be Puppets.... Please let there be puppets and not just a CGI regurgitation, I also hope they keep the "darkness" if not enhance it a little seeing as the original audience has matured... well some anywhoo!

I wish nothing but the best towards this project as the story has an incredible part of my heart and I know I am not alone in my position. I am seriously geeking the "f" out! I truly hope they bring back Paul Reuben's as the awesome voice of Max, he ruled in the original and well, I LOVE Paul Reuben! I will be following this project as absolutely close as I possibly can, it is just too fracking COOL!


Stay Strong, Live Good, Love Movies!


Dannie aka Pekosa Peligrosa