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Stranger Things Season 2 Hits Netflix October 27th! Check out the new Lovecraftian Poster Art!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. I'm pretty much the target audience for Stranger Things and am an unabashed fan of what the Duffer Bros did with the first season.

We knew Season 2 was coming in October and now we have an exact date: October 27th. We also got the key art for the new season:



The stakes seem to be quite a bit bigger this time around. Instead of a flower-faced humanoid creature there seems to be some Lovecraftian Old Gods shit happening in Hawkins.

October 27th seems like a good date as everybody's going to be at peak Halloween fever and we know that this season takes place over Halloween... which is the one element the Duffers could have added to the series that could possibly make even happier. Stephen King and Amblin influences plus my favorite holiday? Be still my beating heart!

I'm eager to check back in with Mike, Dustin, Lucas, Will, Joyce, Hopper, Mr. Clarke and Eleven. What about you?

-Eric Vespe
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