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Check out this practically perfect first look at Emily Blunt's Mary Poppins!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Want to know something crazy? Disney's big sequel to Mary Poppins is coming in 2018, which marks over 54 years since the original one. Disney sure loves their legacy sequels. You can go back to them picking up Wizard of Oz 46 years after the Judy Garland original (made by a different studio, but it still counts), but consider how far removed those two movies were and realize the new Mary Poppins adds another eight years on top of that!

And Mary Poppins Returns will have original cast members in it! Dick Van Dyke is apparently coming back to play Mr. Dawes, this time without old age makeup!

Anyway, I was pondering that giant jump between first film and second when I saw their first image of Emily Blunt as Mary Poppins, which they released today. The look is practically perfect in every way, don't you agree?



The Carmen Sandiego impression is most likely from the angle of the photo, capturing Blunt's profile, but if Poppins has a little bit of hat-tilting swagger going on I'm not going to complain.

As someone who grew up with this movie I'm really excited to see what Blunt, Lin-Manuel Miranda and company bring to this sequel. What about you?

-Eric Vespe
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