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On her way to the Iron Throne, Daenerys is gonna stop by a galaxy far, far away! Emilia Clarke joins up with the Han Solo Spin-Off!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here, taking a breather from the Holiday Gift Guide work to pass along some interesting news for all my fellow Star Wars and Game of Thrones fans! Looks like Emilia Clarke, everybody's favorite Dragon Mother, will be joining the Lord & Miller Han Solo spin-off starring Alden Ehrenreich as Han Solo and Donald Glover as Lando.

The announcement was made on and didn't spill any info on Clarke's character other than she will "round out a dynamic cast of characters that Han and Chewie will encounter on their adventures."

I know I'm jumping to conclusions, but dark hair and eyes is kinda Han's type, is it not? I hope she's a fellow badass that dishes out shit as fast as Han can.

With Lord & Miller at the controls I'm actually excited for this movie. It's gotta be a better franchise jump for Clarke than Terminator, right?

-Eric Vespe
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