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Ciaran Hinds is the big baddie of JUSTICE LEAGUE!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. The Wrap has locked in on a big casting scoop that Umberto Gonzalez has been chasing for a while, namely just who the hell the bad guy is in the upcoming Justice League film.

The producers wouldn't reveal who was cast as Steppenwolf (one of Darkseid's generals and, in the original Kirby comics, his Uncle) who was glimpsed in the deleted scene in Batman v Superman, when I was on set earlier this year, but did say they were in negotations with someone they were psyched about and that the role would be done through performance capture.

Turns out good ol' Umberto Gonzalez figured it out. Great character actor (and imposing figure) Ciaran Hinds, known by geeks for playing Mance Rayder on Game of Thrones, Caeser on Rome or Albus' brother Aberforth Dumbledore. Now he'll be a force so major that Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and Cyborg all have to team up to fight.

Can't fault Zack Snyder's casting in these things. Hopefully the film lives up to the talent in front the camera!

-Eric Vespe
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