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The Behind the Scenes Pic of the Day: See Weta Workshop's Incredible Skill On Display From LORD OF THE RINGS: THE TWO TOWERS!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. We're 15 years on from the release of Fellowship of the Ring. That's crazy to me. To put that into perspective we're as far away from Fellowship's release as that film was from the release of Aliens.

We's seen some great films since then, but I think people take for granted how magical Lord of the Rings was. It was an impossible accomplishment that broke new ground and dictated how franchise films were made and executed from then on out. In short, those three films are miracles.

One of the key reasons for the success of LOTR was Richard Taylor's Weta Workshop. Those artists are true wizards that seemed to effortlessly bring Middle Earth to life in a believable way and in all departments. Make-up, costuming, armoring, prop-making, miniature building, creature effects. They were a one stop shop. To this day, Workshop is one of my favorite places on Earth. I've visited them as guest, friend and collaborator and no matter the circumstances or reason for my trips down there, I always get butterflies when walking into that building, smelling the plaster and hearing the whir of 3D printers.

Today's image features one of Weta's many marvels executed for Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings films. Specifically, you get a good idea how detailed and perfect their miniature model work was as you see the scale of Helm's Deep from The Two Towers thanks to an artist doing a little touch up work. Check it out below:



Tomorrow's pic is the one that you want, hoo-hoo-hoo, honey! See ya' then!

-Eric Vespe
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