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Team Cap And Team Iron Man Both Get A New Kickass Poster from Vance Kelly for CIVIL WAR!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, Muldoon here and by now I'm certain you've seen more about CIVIL WAR than you might have ever expected. With what feels like a flood of badass tidbits hitting the web all surrounding the film's DVD release, it's cool to see the film still very much alive and a point of conversation (well, until the next Marvel movie that is.) Truth be told, I enjoyed CIVIL WAR as much as WINTER SOLDIER (shocker) and actually thought it did a better job of blending the many iconic characters than either of the AVENGERS films, which I still had fun with mind you. It gave us the same characters we've been sold (cinematically) since IRON MAN, but still came off as something unique, something special, something incredibly badass. The airport scene alone was like a condensed summer blockbuster of its own, with everything a kid could ask for.

Ultimately we've all had a chance to see it by now, so you likely have your own opinions on the flick, both good and bad - I'm just in the camp that had a blast for those 2.5 hours. When I saw Vance Kelly's two posters below, I thought, "This is something worth sharing." Is it news? No, not really. Is it cool? I certainly think so and I think the Marvel fans out there might enjoy seeing them. (If they were JURASSIC PARK/WORLD posters for instance... I'd certainly want to see them and know that type of passion exists here in the halls of AICN from Marvel fans as well.) So for the CIVIL WAR fans out there, check out these posters from this talented artist. Be sure to check out Vance Kelly's website to see more of his artwork, where there are equally stunning posters for ALIENS, BEETLEJUICE, NIGHTBREED, and more!





Boom! My opinion is simple with "these are pretty cool," but what about yours? What do you think of these prints? Of the two, which do you think is more interesting?


- Mike McCutchen


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