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Steven Spielberg's READY PLAYER ONE is shooting on location and we have some spy pics!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Steven Spielberg is still going strong filming Ready Player One and now he's moved out of Leavesden Studios and onto location.

The production is currently filming in Digbeth and making it all dystopian future-y. Luckily we have some spies in the area and one of them, 'Twinklespikedad', snapped photos of some of the set dressing, including a crazy rundown postal truck.

So, let's take a look, shall we?






It's small, but a cool glimpse at what Spielberg's up to with this adaptation. I'm getting a little bit of an AI vibe from the “humanity on the decline” kind of set dressing. That's a good thing, by the way.

There are a ton of movies in production right now that I'm dying to see, but this is one that sits on the top of my fascination list. Spielberg adapting Ernie Cline's Ready Player One is too perfect, but I can't picture what the hell this movie is going to be look like. I don't know how he'll approach this story, especially since part of the core concept involves obsessing over the work of Spielberg's heyday and Spielberg's work specifically.

Cline's book reads cinematically, don't get me wrong, but I have no idea in my head what the kind of movie Steven Spielberg would make out of it is going to look like. And that's hugely exciting to me.

What about you? What do you folks think?

-Eric Vespe
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