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The full trailer for Villeneuve's ARRIVAL has strong Interstellar/Close Encouters vibes!


Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Denis Villeneuve is knee deep in his Blade Runner sequel right now and lucky us get another one of his beautifully shot films while we wait on the return of Deckard.

The full trailer for his new sci-fi flick, Arrival, hits a lot of familiar beats, but not in a bad way. The concept of communicating with a visiting alien presence in a realistic way can't be done without drawing comparisons with Spielberg's Close Encounters of the Third Kind, so I like that they go full on acknowledging that film with the early warning system/bird in a cage bit.

Also get a feeling of the grandeur of Interstellar and the unique making-science-tense feeling of something like Contact.

Will the movie be more than just fragments of other films? With Villeneuve behind the camera I'd hope that answer is yes.

Check out the trailer:



What do you folks think?

-Eric Vespe
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