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LEAGUE OF GODS trailer from China & what it has to do with the original GHOSTBUSTERS!!! Watch this!

Hey folks, Harry here...  So first...  Just watch this heaping helping of awesome...


League Of Gods Trailer from Videovision Entertainment on Vimeo.

Awesome insane fun. Right? Folks are referring to this one as a CHINESE X-MEN film, but that's just avoiding telling people it's only a 500 year old work of Chinese fiction...  but by all means, reduce it to being imitative of something from the last 50 years of American Culture.   I do find that annoying as all fuck.   This is pure FANTASY about the overthrow of the last ruler of the Shang Dynasty, but the story as written prior to our Constitution being written.   It involves spirits, demons and characters being brought to life with the guiding hand of RANDY COOK - star of Quint's BEHIND THE SCENES PIC OF THE DAY today!   Randy served as the ANIMATION ADVISOR and spent quite a long time in South Korea working on the film.   The movie is also getting a John Debney score and stars Jet Li!   

I can't wait to see this awesome.

Keep it cool, 



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