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Set Photos From SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING Give Us A Look At The New Costume!

Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Here's your regular reminder that there are patent troll assholes who will buy up these on the street set picture rights and then sue the shit out of anybody who hosts said images, even if they were posted before they owned the rights. So, that's why you're gonna have to click through the link to see the new Spidey. Sorry 'bout that. It's just the way the internet works now.

Let's get you over to those pics and then I'll come back with some thoughts.

Click on Spidey's sense going haywire below to check out the set pics on Looper.



So, the costume in Amazing Spider-Man 2 is pretty much the perfect Spider-Man costume. It's my favorite, anyway, but I gotta say I dig this one. I like how bright the blues and reds are, I like the mask looking more like cloth than wet suity rubber whatever material all superhero costumes are made of nowadays and the eyes are just cartoony enough to make me smile.

Don't know how crazy I am about the lines on the blue part of his costume (they seem more pronounced than what we saw in Civil War), but mechanical web shooters and all the rest look good to me.

More than anything else I'm just excited to see more Spidey and Peter Parker from Tom Holland. That kid wowed me in Civil War and I'm excited to see 2 hours of his story playing out. Oh, and sorry they caught you adjusting the package there, Tom. Kinda rude of them, I agree.

-Eric Vespe
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